CRASH GARRETT As in the film, Crash Garrett keeps up a permanent dialog with a 'voice' in his head. He's the only one who can hear it. Nobody else knows about it. The exact nature of his 'internal friend' is a mystery to both Garrett and the voice itself. When Garrett needs help he will turn to you and ask. Type in your idea on the keyboard and your message will show at the bottom of the screen. Validate by pressing RETURN or ENTER. Be clear and brief. Moving around. To tell Garret where to go, just type GO TO GLORY'S or whaterever. Normal adventure directions also work. Objects wil be available to Garrett. These can be picked up and will be displayed on the right of the screen. Not only must you guide Garrett but you also must give him power. It is divided into doses at the top left corner of the screen. Using a dose of power helops garrett do whatever he's doing more efficiently. To activate validate your order by pressing the '$' key instead of the normal RETURN or ENTER. To save a game type 'DISK' as an instruction. To load a game simply load the game proper and then type in 'GAME'. To change Tempo type in'T' followed by 1-9, 1 is the fastest. Default is T5.